Clicks in 60 Seconds

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Clicks in 60 Seconds Test

This page contains our CPS Test in 60-second mode. It lets you see how many times you can click in one minute.

The higher the CPS (Clicks per Second) value, the more clicks there are in one minute.

How many clicks can you make in one minute?

According to statistical statistics, the average human can accomplish up to 400 Clicks Per Minute.

An average person is defined as someone who does not play video games or has professional training in the information technology industry. As a result, you are a quicker clicker if you can do more than 400 Clicks in 60 seconds.

You may improve your speed by exercising more and utilizing various clicking tools and methods, such as the Jitter Clicking Test and the Kohi Clicking Test.

Why are people interested in CPM Speed Test?

Gamers primarily utilize the Clicks in 100 Seconds mouse click test to measure and improve their clicking abilities. Their main objective is to maximize their clicking ability to defeat their opponents in PVP games.

Any form of click test is not just confined to professional gamers but also to I.T. specialists – most notably, software engineers. Teenagers often utilize various clicking tests to demonstrate and challenge their pals for fun.

Playing in the Correct Manner

Most novices will attempt to play the same game as they do in the 5-second mode. However, players must be aware that their talents will be challenged for a long time and must save energy to finish the 60 Second Cps Test.

In the sixty-second mode, it is critical to either have a constant pace of clicking the mouse or to increase the speed as the time elapses progressively.

Since a personal tip, players should strike the mouse repeatedly, as this will not only offer them a higher score but also keep their fingers from tiring.

How can I determine the speed of clicks per minute?

  • Proceed to the top of this web page to test your one-minute clock speed
  • There is a click here to begin playing button there.
  • Click the button as quickly as you can.
  • With the initial click, one minute will begin to run. You must click continuously for one minute.
  • The timer will end after 60 seconds
  • Finally, your clicking test score will be presented, including Kohi Click Test and total number of clicks made throughout the test and your CPS Score.


If you want to improve your click speed test performance, check out this fast tutorial on Butterfly Clicking, which will teach you how to raise your clicking speed.


1) Test of Clicks per Minute

Clicks in 60 Seconds or one minute are just different versions of the game. In this game, users may put their typing skills to the test for one minute. The application will count how many mice clicks a player can make in 60 seconds. However, the score will be presented in CPS.

2) What is the average number of clicks per minute?

According to our website analytics, the average number of Clicks Per minute is 384, which equals 6.2 CPS. In general, as time passes, the click speed slows.

3) Can Clicks Per Minute be used in the medical field or for assessing motor skills?

Ans: Clicks Per Minute may have limited applications in the medical field or assessing motor skills. While it can provide some insights into manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination, medical professionals and specialists often use more comprehensive assessments and tests specifically designed for evaluating motor skills, such as fine motor control, precision, and coordination.

4) Can Clicks Per Minute be affected by software or hardware delays?

Ans: Yes, Clicks Per Minute can be affected by software or hardware delays. If there are delays in processing the click or if the system or software is not responsive, it can impact the overall Clicks Per Minute rate.

5) Can Clicks Per Minute be used in accessibility settings or assistive technologies?

Ans: Yes, Clicks Per Minute can be utilized in accessibility settings or assistive technologies to cater to individuals with motor impairments or disabilities.